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Prestige Water Purifiers – Summary, Traits, Features and Customer Support

Prestige is one of the leading manufacturers of cookware products in India. They have designed some impressive and durable designs at affordable rates which are hard to compete.

Now, they are selling gravity-based water purifiers which are not that much advance in technology but you can expect impressive functionality out of them.

For the first time buyers, prestige seems like a bad choice because very few people heard about their water purification but we have some good reasons to help you understand the value of their purifiers.

Prestige is selling their Tattva series in water purifier section and you can easily rely on them without a single issue.

Some of the best things are about their design is effective working, easy to use functionality and extremely cheaper price point.

Traits To Prefer Prestige Water Purifiers Over Other Ones

With the prestige tattva water purifier line, you are going to choose a safe product in term of design and quality.

There is two-stage water purification which occur with the help of gravity. Water passes through the thin membrane and most of the dust particles gets trapped in the cartridge.

The capacity of 16 litres with a copper base help making the water chilled to drink. You have to keep adding water in the purifier and then there is nothing to worry about.

You can’t expect that much pretty design from this brand because you are going for a starter range product but it is the best in term of functionality that’s why you can rely on it.

The aging of this machine is very slow because food grade plastic and copper is used in its manufacturing. So, you will be safe using this machine in most of the cases.

Features to Learn About Prestige Water Purifiers

Needless to mention but most of the starter range Prestige water purifier comes with a simple water purifier technology which is effective in its own kind. So, you can expect the below-mentioned features –

  • Simple design with the physical tap to get drinking water with the push.
  • Slow aging of water purifier due to the use of copper and food grade plastic.
  • Copper is proved as the best storage container to boost the immunity of human being.
  • Gravity-based water purification technology provides effective water cleaning.
  • Trap majority types of contaminants and copper help reducing metal contaminants.
  • Comes with a storage tank of 16 litres which is good enough to fulfil the small family needs.

The only issue till this date is slow water purification because it is using gravity to filter the water throw a thin membrane. For this price point, you can't find such good options in the market.

Customer Support

As there is no moving or electrical part, this product doesn’t require much maintenance. Still, if you have to contact customer support, then you can expect a quick response.

The simplicity of product help getting a quick solution to all the problems and changing the filter doesn't take a long time also.

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