About seventy percent of the entire earth is made up of water, but just one percent of it is accessible to us. This makes it quite clear that water is a very scarce resource. Several areas are facing water crisisin the form of droughts. This makes it important for each one of us to save water and make efficient use of it.
To overcome the shortage of water resource and to leave a better world for future generations, water conservation has become a complete necessity. In this article, we are going to tell you a few easy ways by which you can contribute a lot in saving this valuable resource.
Simple Ways To Save Water In Day To Day Life
Fix leakage in bathroom and kitchen
Leakage in the pipes, taps, etc. in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet are commonest reasons for wastage of water. Unknowingly or knowingly it continuously wastes several liters of water on a daily basis.
To prevent this loss to happen, it is important to perform a thorough inspection of the bath fittings and get them repaired onfinding any leakage in them. Doing this, will not just conserve water but also keeps the walls of that area unaffected and safe.
Close the tap when youshave
An average faucet or tap throws aroundtenliters of water per minute of its use. So,it is advised not to leave the faucet/tap open at the time of shaving. The right way is to close the faucet after wetting your brush. Now switch it on when you need to rinse.
Use less water for flushing
People who you have old flush based toilets, waste more waste than the ones who have dual flush based toilets. Water gets unnecessary wasted in older flushes as these toilets use three to four times more amounts of water in comparison to the new models.
It is needed to soon change your regular old version of a toilet to the newer one. A dual-flush based version enables you to make less use of water to eliminate liquid waste. It takes more amounts of water to eliminate solid waste by pressing the right button.
Install a Faucet Aerator or a Tap
Addition of an aerator to the faucet or tap will work by adding air to the water flow, this gives a steady stream of water while using fewer amounts of it. Faucet or tapaerators are easier to get installed. It is also inexpensive and very effective.
This construction saves nearly 80% of water when compared with the faucets or tap without aerators. You can even use aerators in faucets or taps present in bathrooms.
Save water when you brush your teeth
Also, keep the tap closed while you are scrubbing your hands. Wet your palms, and then switch off the tap. Once you are done scrubbing your hands, you can then open the tap to wash the hands. Implementing this basic and the most impactful tip will help you save a lot of water in your daily life.
Bath for a lesser duration
Some people are seen to spend a lot of time while bathing. Longer duration leads to more wastage of water. Not many of us know that taking showers for five minutes or a little less than that can save around 21, 000 liters of water every year. One way to reduce unnecessary wastage is to lessen the time spent in the shower. It will not just save the water but also save you time.
Re-use the water that you get as an RO Waste Water
People who use RO water purification system at home, have one more way to save water. RO systems are known to waste a lot of water during the purification process. An average RO water purification machine wastes close to three liters of water in every one liter of filtered water.
This leads to immense wastage. Reusing the “RO waste water” will also help in lowering the wastage of water.You can even lessen the wastage by employing alternate water techniques purification such as UV based water purifiers, Gravity-based water filters, and UV+UF based water filters, etc.
Choose to clean your dishes by hand
Another way by which you can save wastage of water is by cleaning utensils by your hand. At the time of washing dishes by your hand, do not leave the tap running for rinsing purpose. It is advised to fill up the sink with water.
You can even use a large bucket or pan for rinsing your dishes. This will surely help in lowering the wastage of water by not allowing the water to run for the entire time at the time of scrubbing the dishes.
Learn the right way to use a dishwasher
Using the dishwasher to clean your utensils results in more wastage of water. Ifyou have no other option available than to wash your utensils using this device, then you must use the right strategy to use it. Load the dishwasher to its maximum capacity. It will help you prevent several running cycles of the equipment and save loads of water.
Use a pan to clean your fruits and vegetables
When you wish to clean vegetables and fruits with water, then you can try to fill up your pan with water so as to wash them instead of allowing the faucet to run. This way, you will use fewer amounts of water and also consume the pan water for watering the plants.
Replace in-efficient and old washing machine with a new and efficient washing machine
Top loading washing machines in old style use only 150 liters to 170 liters of water in every wash that you perform. You can lower this water consumption by 50% by making use of “top-loading” washing machines. These machines are efficient. Front-loading form of washing machines makes use of lesser amounts of electricity and water when compared to a top-loading form of washing machines.
Do not run the washing machine with fewer clothes
Washing machine consumes a lot of water to run. It is advised not to run your machine for just a few socks or one or two shirts. Ensure that you are making maximum use of its capacity by putting in as many clothes as long as it is within safe limits.
So, it is a good idea to reduce the frequency of washing your clothes. Washing with a full load of your laundry will be helpful to conserve water as well as electricity.
Don’t do unnecessary washing of clothes
Some people have a habit of washing clothes like jeans,sweaters, track pants, jackets, towels, etc. every time they wear it. It does not need washing that often unless and until it has got very dirty.
This will help in saving water as well as wear and tear that can happen when washing clothes quite often. Washing in periodic intervals of time keeps your clothes in good condition for a longer time.
Install a Water Meter in your house
A water meter is an important device that offers several types of benefits to a household. It is an important instrument that aids in measuring the right levels of water that you use. It also acts as an important tool in fighting against lowering the wastage of wastage.
It is always when you measure the consumption of water, you will realize the amount of water wasted by you. On installing a water meter, you would be surprised to figure out how much amount of water has been used by you.
Meters are a very helpful device in the detection ofany leakage. You are required to writedown the meter reading. Wait for one or two hours without running the tap. Now take the reading again. If you find that the two readings are different, then it indicates that there is some leakage in your pipes, taps, etc. of your house.
Stop the Water overflow
Almost in all commercial and residential premises, you will see overhead tanks provided for the storage of water. Sometimes, water overflows from these tanks. In order to save wastage of water caused due to this overflow, it is important to take adequate measures to stop it.
Some of the solutions that can be implemented will not just stop this overflow but also save hundreds of liters of water on a daily basis. These solutions are the installation of a float valve, overflow alarm for water tank, automated water level controller. Places where such overflow happens, are in need to get the controller devices installed at the earliest.
Learn the right time to water your garden.
You need to use smart watering techniques on the plants and gardens. You can keep your plants and home garden healthy and green without wasting a lot of water. It is advised to water only those places where you really need water. The best time to water your plants is in the evening or in the morning so that it does not result in the quick evaporation of the water.
Save water by not watering in the rainy season
In the rainy season, plants and trees get water from the rain. This keeps their soil wet. So, any extra water that they receive will not be of much use. It will ultimately come out of the pot. It is advised to encourage plants and trees to water them only when it is needed.
Also, you need to note that plants that have deeper roots require less water. If you are using a pipe to water your plants, then it is advised to connect a spray gun or a hose at its end. Water saving spray guns and hoses have an ability to cover a large area and also need lesser water.
The grass is not the best things to plant in areas where there is a water shortage
If you stay at a place where there is a shortage of water supply, then growing grass is not advised. This is because grass requires a good amount of water to grow. It is adequate in areas where there is a good supply of water and frequent occurrence of rain.
As grass needs a considerable quantity of water for its cultivation, you need to grow it only if your area provides a stable and decent amount of water. By growing it in water shortage areas, it can take a lot of water and leave you with no less or water.
Grow drought-resistant plants and trees
Another way to save water is by growing plants and trees that don’t need irrigation. There are several beautiful varieties of such plants and trees. Mulch is one of the best examples that shows the loss of moisture.
Use a bucket of water to clean your car
Using a bucket is one good way of reducing unnecessary water wastage. It is an efficient option in place of a running water pipe to wash the car.
Do not wash your backyard or verandah using a Pipe
If you want to clean your backyard or verandah, it is advisable to use a good quality broom to eliminate all dry waste. Any additional cleaning can be done by using a bucket full of water.Broom is advised to clean sidewalks, steps and driveways.
Use less electricity
Power plants need thousands of tons of water to produce electricity. By conserving power, you are indirectly conserving precious water.
Water your plants with recycled water
Use the water of the melted ice, or any left-over water to water the garden.
Use paper plates
Use of paper plates also helps in conserving water as they are disposable and requires no washing.
Limit the use of a hose to a minimum
Hose leads to wastage of a lot of water. You must advise your children to not play with sprinklers and hoses for enjoyment.
The water crisis has become an acute problem. After air, it is the most vital element for the conservation of life. This limited commodity when not managed properly can result in a crisis in the coming future.
All the above-mentioned solutions will not just aid you to save electricity and water but also proves to be beneficial in saving your walls and roofs from damage due to overflowing water.